Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sewanee Haiku Contest

Haiku seems easy
limitless, even, ’til you 
run out of sylla

The University library is having a Haiku Contest in honor of National Haiku month. All faculty, students, staff and community members are welcome to participate, regardless of age. Entries will be accepted Feb. 14–28. 

Haikus can focus any aspect of life in Sewanee: “Just keep it clean and Sewanee-centric, please,” said Cari Reynolds. The top 10 haikus (chosen by library staff) will be printed as messages in custom fortune cookies. Writers of the top two haikus will win gift certificates to Crossroads Cafe or Yamato in Decherd.

While haiku traditionally follows the 7–5–7 syllable format, due to space restrictions, entries must be less than 70 characters (including spaces) to be eligible to be printed as fortunes. All entries will be displayed in the lobby of duPont Library. More information, rules and online entry are available at <>. For more information contact Reynolds at <>.

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