Thursday, January 21, 2016

STEM Names Lamborn as New Vicar

The Southeast Tennessee Episcopal Ministry (STEM) recently announced that the Rev. Amy Bentley Lamborn has accepted the call to be vicar of STEM. She began her work on Jan. 1. STEM was founded in 2002 and now includes Epiphany, Sherwood; Christ Church, Alto; Holy Comforter, Monteagle; Christ Church, Tracy City; and Trinity, Winchester. 

Lamborn was ordained in 1996 and has served the Episcopal church in a variety of ways: as a deacon in a small college town, on a diocesan staff, as a curate in a large urban cathedral and as a rector of a suburban parish. She served as a hospital chaplain and a supply priest in the Diocese of New York. She served on the faculty of the General Theological Seminary, 2011–15, as professor of pastoral theology. She has also done clinical training in psychotherapy at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies and the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association and spiritual direction training at the Haden Institute.

A 1996 graduate of the School of Theology at Sewanee, Lamborn returned to Sewanee when her husband, Rob, accepted the call to be rector at Otey Parish. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English literature from Union University; she earned her Ph.D. in psychiatry and religion at the Union Theological Seminary in 2009. The Lamborns have a 12 year-old daughter, Caroline, who is a seventh-grader at St. Andrew’s-Sewanee. 

“I am so excited about serving as vicar of STEM,” Lamborn said. “The people in each of the individual churches are committed to their communities of faith. They are resilient folks, and so many of them are eager to deepen the life of faith and spiritual practice. 

“Together, the STEM churches are poised to work collaboratively and to join in creative ways with other Episcopal institutions and ministries around the Cumberland Plateau. I look forward to discerning with them the ways we are called to be God’s people in this place and time.” For more information or to contact Lamborn, email <>.

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