Thursday, March 19, 2015

SCCF Announces 2015 Grant Round

The South Cumberland Community Fund (SCCF) welcomes grant requests from nonprofit organizations to support initiatives that strengthen community and improve lives in the region.
The deadline for applications is May 1; final selection of grant recipients will be made by August 1.
“Grant funding is one of the main ways that the South Cumberland Community Fund cultivates leadership and resources across the Plateau. We’re proud of our collaborations with about 30 community organizations, and our almost $300,000 in direct grants,” said Margaret Woods, SCCF board chair.
All grant applicants for 2015 must attend an information session designed to ensure they understand what is required in an application. There will be three sessions, all held at the Coalmont Community Center: 10 a.m., Saturday, March 28; 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 7; and 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 21.
The SCCF has seven priority areas for its grants: Building Our Sense of Community; Strengthening Our Economy; Developing the Potential of Our Youth; Tapping the Potential of Our Elders; Conserving the Past; Enlarging the Vision of the Future; and Meeting Basic Needs. For more information, visit <southcumberland​>.

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