Thursday, September 29, 2016

Community Chest Sets Goal

by Leslie Lytle,  Messenger Staff Writer
“We received five new applications for funding this year,” said Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) President Lynn Stubblefield. “The SCA Board has approved a goal of $116,850 for 2016–17 funding.” SCA members received the news at the Sept. 22 meeting of the SCA at St. Mark’s Hall where more than 60 members and guests gathered for a welcome back picnic.
Founded in 1908 with a long history of acting as a benefactor to the community, among the SCA’s early projects were funding the building of Sewanee Elementary School in 1926 and completion of the Alto Highway. Especially noteworthy recent projects include the desegregation plaque at SES and funding the playground equipment and installation at the Elliot Park playground. The SCA also sponsors Sewanee Classifieds, an online community messaging service, the parks committee and Cub Scout Pack 152.
 The Sewanee Community Chest fund drive provides crucial support to more than 26 community initiatives annually. In the 2015–16 academic year, the Community Chest surpassed its $100,000 goal to raise $105,000 for 25 organizations.
Projects relying on the Community Chest for vital support include the Sewanee Mountain Messenger, a free community newspaper founded 32 years ago through the support of the University of the South, the SCA and the Sewanee Woman’s Club; the Community Action Committee, a local food bank hosted by Otey Parish; the Sewanee Children’s Center, a pre-school program committed to making learning a joy and making the program available to all children in the community; the Sewanee Parents Organization, which thanks to the Community Chest, hosts educational programs throughout the year without needing to rely on fundraisers; the Mountain Goat Trail Alliance, which received Community Chest matching funds to complete the first leg of the trail and at present is undertaking completion of the trail to Tracy City; the Sewanee Business Alliance, sponsors of the annual AngelFest celebration and Friday Nights in the Park; and the Sewanee Community Center, which offers space for community activities at no charge or a very minimal fee.
 Looking to the future, past president Kiki Beavers stressed the need for continuing discussion on renovation of the ball park and partnering with the Senior Citizens’ Center and Sewanee Community Center to help these two programs find a new home.
Doug Meyers was appointed as Director of Classifieds. Susan Holmes and Greg Maynard are this year’s Community Chest Stewards.
The SCA meets next at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 12, at the EQB building.

Community Chest Goal
This year’s Community Chest, with a goal of $116,850, will provide aid to the following 26 community organizations:

Animal Alliance $1,250
Arcadia at Sewanee $1,000
Blue Monarch $1,000
Boy Scout Troop 14 $300
Community Action
Committee $10,000
Cub Scout Pack 152 $600
Folks at Home $5,000
Fourth of July
Celebration $2,000
Franklin County Humane
Society $3,000
Girl Scout Troop 2107 $200
Housing Sewanee $10,000
MARC $10,000
Mt. Goat Trail Alliance $1,200
Phil White Dog Park $600
Senior Citizen’s Center $12,000
SES Parent Organization $24,200
Sewanee Angel Park $500
Sewanee Children’s
Center $12,000
Sewanee Chorale $600
Sewanee Community
Center $4,500
Sewanee Mountain
Messenger $12,000
South Cumberland Cultural
Society $800
South Cumberland Farmer
Market $1,000
St. James/Midway
Community Park $2,000
St. Mark’s Community
Center $600
TigerSharks Swim Team $500

Since 1908, the Sewanee Civic Association and its precursors have believed in the power of area citizens to help sustain community projects and programs.
The Sewanee Civic Association started the Sewanee Community Chest in 1943, which in the last decade has raised more than $1 million for local organizations.
Donations are accepted to PO Box 99, Sewanee TN 37375. The Sewanee Community Chest is a 501 (c) 3 organization and donations are tax deductible.
For more information go to

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