Otey Memorial Parish will offer an intergenerational dinner and learning series, VB-Us, a twist on Vacation Bible School, the last week of June. The series takes place on four evenings, Monday–Thursday, June 27–30, and is open to the entire community. There is no charge for dinner or the program which will take place at Otey’s Claiborne Parish Hall. Participants can register at <VB-Us2016.eventbrite.com>.
Dinner will be served at 5:15 p.m. Activities will take place from 6–8 p.m., with the nursery available for infants and very young children. The program is based on Micah 6:8 and will explore doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly through a variety of mediums. Activities will include discussion panels, Godly Play stories, a poetry workshop, group and individual art projects, a sacred journey and a drum circle.
On Monday, June 27, Regan Schutz will tell a Godly Play story. Activity choices are a drum circle and sharing led by Leslie Lytle, April Minkler and Barbara Prunty, or a discussion on local social justice issues, historically and today. Special guest speakers for the discussion include: Robin Bates, one of the plaintiffs for the desegregation of Sewanee Elementary School; Allie Mae Faxon, one of the founders of the Franklin County High School Gay Straight Alliance; Jennie Turrell sponsor of the club FCHS Gay Straight Alliance; and the Rev. Canon Jim Turrell from the School of Theology. Both Faxon and Jennie Turrell have been widely honored for their work with the GSA this year.
Tuesday, June 28, will feature Teresa Phares as storyteller. The Rev. Betty Carpenter, director of the Community Action Committee, will host hands-on mission activities for all ages. Please bring a canned good or other non-perishable item for this activity. There will also be special music by Bazzania! Or attend a writing workshop with Sewanee English professor Jennifer Michael exploring how to use poetry to call out injustice.
Wednesday, June 29, Rebecca Van de Ven will tell a Godly Play story, then share contemplative music during two art projects. Carol Sampson has designed a group mosaic project. Laura Willis will guide another project using collage to express the grief of injustice. Alternatively, participants may join the Rev. Bude Van Dyke for a pilgrimage to a sacred Native American site.
Thursday, June 30, James Goodmann will tell a story that brings the week’s activities together. Goodmann and Karen Meridith will facilitate discussion, synthesis, and response as participants consider their next steps after this experience. The Rev. Rob Lamborn will celebrate Eucharist at the outdoor cross behind Brooks Hall to close the series. For more information contact Jeannie Babb at <oteyformation@gmail.com>.
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