Thursday, May 19, 2016

‘Sunday Diversions’ Added to SSMF Schedule

The Sewanee Summer Music Festival (SSMF) introduces a new activity to Sunday afternoons in Sewanee. “Sunday Diversions” are free local tours and events to enjoy prior to the student orchestral concerts each week. Festival volunteer Sally Hubbard has organized a team of local experts who will welcome and guide visitors and residents through the treasures of Sewanee.
Outdoor tours include a campus bike tour by Woody Deutsch; a guided walk through the flora and fauna of Abbo’s Alley; and the 2:15 p.m. Shapard Tower carillon concerts.
For the avid indoorsman (or in case of uncooperative weather), there’s a tour and audio presentation in the Ralston Listening Library; a tour of the windows and sculpture of All Saints’ Chapel; and demonstrations of the Bentley Bells in Breslin Tower and the carillon in Shapard Tower. There are rewarding views for those who climb the towers—not to mention a first-hand look at the carillon and change-ringing bells.
The tours are offered at 1 p.m. on Sundays, June 26, July 10 and July 17. Interested persons should meet at the tour locale, which will be marked by purple balloons. Tours will finish in time for participants to attend the Cumberland Orchestra Concert at 3 p.m. followed by the Sewanee Symphony Orchestra at 4 p.m. Further details are available on the website <> or by calling 598-1903.

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