In August of 2016, Town Planning and Urban Design Collaborative (TPUDC) and the University of the South conducted a public planning workshop to finalize a master plan for downtown Sewanee. The Village Implementation Plan focuses on creating a lively and economically thriving downtown area, with new businesses and civic spaces linked to the University and surrounding neighborhoods with a network of pedestrian paths, trails and bicycle facilities.
Sewanee’s village core will be the focus of the implementation, which will create a mixed-use environment integrating new retail, office and residential uses into the existing fabric of downtown—without compromising the character that makes Sewanee special. The plan also incorporates a Village Green and new housing options for a range of income levels, including cottage courts, apartments in mixed-use buildings and affordable single-family houses. In addition, the redesign of the University Avenue-Highway 41A intersection will create more of a “main street” character. Work continues with the Tennessee Department of Transportation on this plan.
There are two critical next steps in executing the Implementation Plan. First, to ensure that the zoning of areas within the village boundary will allow the community’s vision to become a reality. And, second, to finalize the surveying and civil engineering for new sites.
It is expected that these new sites will be available later this year. Over the next few years, the University will prioritize development of the village core through a phased leasehold release process. TPUDC and the University will also release a Request for Qualifications for developers, builders and architects interested in being a part of Sewanee’s future. For more information contact Frank Gladu, the University’s vice president for administrative services, by email, <>, or go online to <>.
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