A special community work day to install the required surface material to complete the new playground at Elliott Park, will begin at 1 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 7. This will be followed by a grand opening of the renovated Elliott Park, with a celebration and ribbon cutting.
The Sewanee Civic Association (SCA), in partnership with the University of the South, has brought to completion the second project in the Sewanee community parks system. The Phil White Dog Park was the first park that SCA sponsored in the community.
The community, along with the South Cumberland Community Fund, the Sewanee Community Council Funding Project, the Kaj Krogstad Memorial Fund, the Joel and Trudy Cunningham Charitable Fund, the Monteagle Sewanee Rotary and donations through a designated fund with the Sewanee Community Chest, donated more than $56,000 to purchase and install the new playground equipment, which is located in Elliott Park on University Avenue adjacent to the bookstore.
The mulch-like fiber surface material needs to be installed; community members are asked to sign up for shifts, as well as bring wheelbarrows, rakes and pitchforks to lend for the event.
Volunteers should wear gloves and closed-toe shoes when working and children are welcome to participate. Snacks and beverages will be provided during the four hours. Volunteers are asked to sign up via the Sign Up Genius form at <www.signupgenius.com>; click Find A Sign Up and search using the volunteer coordinator email address <eduncan@sasweb.org>.
A minimum of 50 volunteers will be needed during the course of the day in order to spread the fiber material throughout the playground. Students from the College, St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School and Boy Scout Troop 14 have been invited to participate, as well, to help complete the task.
The phrase “The more the merrier” could never be more true.
The celebratory festivities to honor the park’s opening will begin at 5 p.m., with live music from Sewanee’s The Hill Brothers Band featuring Paul Schutz, Tom Adamson and Chris Crigger.
The Shenanigans Food Truck will be on hand, and everyone is invited to bring a blanket and picnic dinner if they choose to enjoy the first day of the new Elliott Park.
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