Thursday, April 9, 2015

Civic Association Hosts Last Meeting of Spring :: Will Present Service Award, Vote on Playground Plans

The last meeting of the Easter semester for the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) will be held Wednesday, April 15, at the EQB House.

The program will be the presentation of the 31st annual Community Service Award. Past recipients include Helen Bailey, Sewanee Youth Soccer, Dr. Matt Petrilla, Harry and Jean Yeatman, Marshall Hawkins, Karen Keele and Tom Watson.

The business portion of the meeting will include the election of officers for 2015–16, discussion of the 2015–16 budget and voting on the proposed plans for a new playground in Elliott Park.
Social time with wine begins at 6 p.m., and dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. The business meeting begins at 7 p.m. The program portion of the evening is free and open to the public. Dinner is available for $13 per person.

Sewanee Civic Association brings together community members for social and community awareness. The SCA is the sponsoring organization for the Parks Committee, Cub Scout Pack 152, Sewanee Classifieds and the Sewanee Community Chest. Any adult who resides in the area and shares concerns of the community is invited to attend and become a member.

For more information go to <>.

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