A new effort, the Sewanee Community Funding Project Committee, invites individuals and groups to submit proposals for projects that enhance the community and improve the quality of life for area residents.
In June, the Sewanee Community Council approved increasing the municipal service fee paid by all leaseholders to generate funds to be used by the Community Council for physical improvements and amenities on the Domain. Charged with the task of deciding how those funds will be used, the new committee will receive and evaluate proposals.
The anticipated $10,000 in funds can be used for “practical, functional or educational purposes or somewhere in between,” said Sarah Marhevsky, chair of the committee. Large-scale projects such as sidewalks and projects of smaller scope such as bulbs for planting by Sewanee Elementary School students both fit the criteria outlined in the guidelines.
Applicants submitting proposals can identify new projects, as well as projects that are part of an already existing initiative undertaken by a group or organization. Applicants submitting proposals can identify new projects, as well as projects that are part of an already existing initiative undertaken by a group or organization.
The two-year pilot program, 2015–16, allocates $10,000 each year for municipal improvements, with any unspent funds from 2015 to roll over into the 2016 budget.
The application form asks how the project will benefit Sewanee and its residents, the estimated cost, who will be doing the work, and who will be accountable for completion. Applicants needing help determining the cost of a project or proposing projects requiring University involvement with contractors should contact the project committee at <sewaneeprojectfunding@gmail.com>.
Application forms are available at the Sewanee post office and the Sewanee Community Center. Applications can be returned by postal mail or email to the address on the form. The deadline for returning applications is March 1.
Members of the Sewanee Community Funding Project Committee were selected by Vice-Chancellor John McCardell and Provost John Swallow. In addition to Marhevsky, the committee includes Annie Armour, Pixie Dozier, Michael Hurst, Dennis Meeks, Theresa Shackelford, Sarah Sherwood and Adam Tucker. Armour, Dozier, Hurst, Meeks and Shackelford also serve on the Community Council.
For more information email <sewaneeprojectfunding@gmail.com>.
Reported by Leslie Lytle,
Messenger staff writer
Messenger staff writer
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