Thursday, September 26, 2013

IONA Readings and Art Continue

The Autumn Assembly of Authors at IONA: Art Sanctuary continues with a full slate of readings and art exhibits. The public is welcome, all events are free, parking is available, and refreshments are served.

At 7 p.m., today (Friday), Sept. 27, there will be an exhibition of paintings by Sewanee artist Bob Askew. Readers will be Caroline McGee and John Shackelford. IONA founder Edward Carlos will offer a tribute to Scott Bates by reading from Bates’ book “Poems of War Resistance.” McGee is a retired physician who lives in Cowan. She is the author of “Monteagle Mountain Murder.” Shackelford is the Sewanee men’s tennis coach and a longtime Messenger columnist.

IONA will be open 1–3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, for a viewing of Askew’s paintings and other art in the gallery.

At 2 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 29, there will be readings by Peter Trenchi, Luann Landon and Sally Hubbard. Trenchi, an attorney, will read from his Messenger column, “The Village Idiot,” as well as some new humor writing. 

Landon is a longtime Sewanee resident and author of a memoir-cookbook, “Dinner at Miss Lady’s.” She has poems in the current issue of the poetry journal Mezzo Cammin. She will read some recent haiku.

Hubbard describes herself as “the opposite of a fair-weather poet” because her muse speaks during the hardest times. Hubbard will read from her “Caregiver Poems,” written during her husband’s final illness between January and August of 2012.

On Friday, Oct. 4, Mary Priestley will offer an exhibit of her nature art in watercolors. At 7 p.m., the readings will begin with Priestley reading from her botany writings. Laura Lapins Willis will read from her book, “Finding God in a Bag of Groceries.” Virginia Craighill will read poetry and from her nonfiction writing.

Priestley’s nature art will continue on exhibit 1–3 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 5.

At 2 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 6, Kate Murray Brown will read from her children’s book, “Sassafras Tales.” Jeannie Babb will read some of her poetry and short stories. Kevin Cummings will read his poetry.

On Friday, Oct. 11, at 7 p.m., there will be an exhibit with works by Sewanee art professor Jessica Wohl and her drawing and painting students.Sewanee student and Dakin scholar Leah Terry will read from her creative writing. Chris McDonough will read from his blog, “Uncomely and Broken.”

At 2 pm., Sunday, Oct. 13, David Bowman will read from his book, “Sewanee Stone Buildings” and the Rev. Francis Walter will read from his novel. 

Readings and art will continue on Friday, Oct. 18; Sunday, Oct. 20; Friday, Oct. 25; and Sunday, Oct. 27. 

IONA: Art Sanctuary exists “to offer a place for writers and artists to share their creative work with each other and the community, and our emphasis is the source: creativity and spirituality,” according to Carlos. It is located at 630 Garnertown Rd. in Sewanee.

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