Friday, April 26, 2013

Council Responds to Constituent Suggestions, Sets Meeting Dates

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

At the April 22 meeting of the Sewanee Community Council, district representatives responded to issues and questions raised by constituents at the March 25 constituent meetings. The Council also reviewed meeting dates for next year, and heard from Sewanee Mountain Messenger Editor Laura Willis about The Mountain Now website.
The District 2 and District 4 constituent meetings were particularly well attended. Responding to a request for information, District 2 Representative Pam Byerly said Fowler Center fees are now posted on the University Lease Office web page <>. Some constituents complained the district maps were difficult to read. New, user-friendly maps were being created, Byerly said. Constituents from both districts raised issues about the new parking regulations. Byerly said additional signs would be posted to more clearly indicate available parking areas. Responding to a question from District 4 constituents about the dark tint of police car windows, Council Representative Drew Sampson deferred the question to Police Chief Marie Eldridge. Eldridge explained the dark tint was for the safety of the officers.
Proposed council meetings dates for the 2013–14 academic year are the fourth Monday of every month with the following exceptions: in April and May, the council will meet on the third Monday; and in December, on the first Monday. The council will not meet in July or November.
The Mountain Now <> is a new community service provided by the Sewanee Mountain Messenger. Editor Willis said the site provides information on events and a community calendar, as well as links to local resources and blogs by Sewanee residents. Input is invited. Send comments to <>.
Vice-Chancellor John McCardell thanked School of Theology Representative Mollie Roberts and Undergraduate Representative Robert Rosamond for their service to the Council. Roberts and Rosamond graduate in May.
In response to the need for a secretary to take minutes in Robert’s absence, the University will appoint someone to perform the task, returning to a past precedent where the provost took the minutes. Relieving council representatives of the note-taking chore will allow them to participate fully in the discussion and to offer insight at meetings.
A community resident observed that the sign at the Eastern Star Cemetery needs to be replaced. Director of Physical Plant Services John Vineyard replied that he would address the problem.
Several council members expressed an interest in learning more about the University farm as a result of the presentation at the Trustees Community Relations Committee meeting April 18. Farm Manager Gina Raicovich will address the council at the May 27 meeting.

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