Thursday, March 21, 2013

CAC Offers Fresh Items, Sets New Events

Sewanee’s Community Action Committee has a number of events in the coming days of interest to area residents. CAC received a huge delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables and fresh bread and bakery items from Second Harvest Food Bank on March 20. CAC will give away these fresh items during its regular office hours, 9–11 a.m., today (Friday), March 22. It will also be open 9–11 a.m., Saturday, March 23, to give food to people who cannot get to the office on Friday. 

“We got this great, wonderful gift from Second Harvest and are glad to share it with the community,” said Betty Carpenter, CAC’s interim director. Among the items are bananas, oranges,carrots, grapes and pineapples, as well as bread, cakes and sweet rolls.

CAC is an outreach ministry of Otey Parish, with generous support from the Sewanee Community Chest and individuals across the Mountain. For more than 35 years, the CAC has provided food, financial assistance, and educational support for persons in the greater Sewanee community. 

Boy Scout Troop 14 is having a food drive to benefit CAC on Sunday, March 24, in Sewanee. Scouts will walk through neighborhoods asking residents to donate non-perishable food items for the food pantry. If you are not going to be home and would like to make a donation, contact Speed Baranco at 598-0442 or by email to <>.

Finally, Sewanee will have its own version of March Madness on Saturday, March 30. TKP sorority is sponsoring a Powder Puff football game to benefit CAC. The donation of a non-perishable food item will get you in to watch the action. Games begin at 10:30 a.m. at Courts Field. Teams are still being accepted for the event; there is a $50 entry fee. T-shirts will also be available. The event will happen, rain or shine. For more information or to register a team, email Clair Bartholomew at <barthcs0@>.

While Otey Parish Hall is under renovation, CAC is located in the Yellow House at 258 Lake O’Donnell Rd. CAC can be reached at 598-5927.

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