Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sewanee Civic Association Announces Email Policy

The board and the membership of the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) voted at its January meeting to charge a fee of $10 per person to use the full Sewanee Classifieds email list. Announcements-only will be free of charge.

In 2012, the University expressed interest in the SCA managing the Classifieds email for the entire community. The SCA board and membership decided to set up a communication system open to all. The Classifieds have been available to anyone since March 2012; and the number of users has nearly doubled. The initial cost of the new service was shared between the University and the SCA with no cost to the users.

Last fall, the SCA members approved the recommendation that Classifieds email be a subscription service. The SCA board decided to wait until March 2013 before implementing a small fee. In the Oct. 3 SCA meeting, the group discussed charging a fee for the Classifieds. An initial $5 fee for charging non-SCA members was one suggestion considered. 

The SCA board recommended at the January meeting to link the Classifieds email list fee to membership dues, keeping both at a minimal $10 per year. This was approved by the membership.
The SCA continues as its goal to become an integral and vibrant part of the Sewanee community. The SCA is taking on new leadership components. With added activity comes more expense and responsibility. Liability insurance is now needed for the organization and its board members. There are costs for an accountant, web hosting, insurance and meetings. There are other ways the SCA would like to take part with the enhancement of the community, such as the dog park and the public park system. 

Any revenues in excess of what is needed to cover SCA business expenses will be used to fund projects beneficial to the community.

To subscribe to the Classifieds email service, go to <> and at the bottom of the page you will find Membership Payment and a button to Buy Now. 

The SCA is the umbrella organization for the Sewanee Community Chest and the Cub Scout Pack 152. The SCA is also the sponsoring organization for the Sewanee Classifieds.

The current SCA board members are: Elizabeth Duncan, Theresa Shackelford, Susan Holmes, Lisa Rung, Kim Seavey, Stephen Burnett and Kiki Beavers.

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