Thursday, December 6, 2012

Provost Clarifies University Avenue Parking

To promote a more pedestrian-friendly campus, the University removed non-handicapped parking in portions of central campus earlier this year, but there has been continued confusion about legal parking in the area. 

University Provost John Swallow said the Sewanee Police Department (SPD) issued only warnings during August while the new policy was communicated in the Messenger, the Sewanee Classifieds email and University emails. The new parking plan was also discussed at meetings of the Sewanee Community Council. In September, SPD began issuing parking citations along University Avenue between the Sewanee Inn and Hunter and Elliott dormitories. The number of citations has been declining; in November, the number of parking citations in that area was fewer than five, he said. 
Confusion has remained, however, about the circumstances under which parking may be temporarily allowed, Swallow said. 

“Many residents correctly understood that for large, special events such as Homecoming, parking would be permitted,” he said. “Unsure of which events those might be, some residents and out-of-town guests received citations this week for parking on University Avenue.”

Drawing on the combined efforts of Franklin County, Physical Plant Services, and the Sewanee Police Department, Swallow said the University plans to provide signage and curbside stenciling on University Avenue soon to indicate the parking policy clearly and direct drivers to appropriate parking.
“The University has requested county approval for no-parking signs for University Avenue between the Sewanee Inn and Hunter and Elliott dormitories,” Swallow said. Physical Plant Services additionally plans to stencil the zone. 

When parking is temporarily allowed for an event, the SPD will set out temporary signage. For some of the largest events, such as Lessons and Carols, a police officer will assist. Also, a more prominent sign for Visitor Parking between Fulford and Rebel’s Rest will help guests find parking spaces.

“The University seeks a more pedestrian campus and remains fully committed to accommodating large events and the needs of those with difficulties in mobility,” Swallow said. Those who are organizing events with many guests or who are in need of a handicapped-parking sticker should contact the Sewanee Police Department.

“The University is grateful for the patience of the community during this transition,” he said.

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