The topic “Creation, Evolution and God” will be the focus of attention Saturday, Sept. 22, at a day-long conference in Guerry Auditorium.The event begins at 9:30 a.m. and is free and open to the public.
Cynthia Crysdale, professor of Christian ethics and theology at the University, has organized the event, which will address the question of whether the classical Christian understanding of God as unchanging, omnipotent and beneficent is still coherent in the face of a modern scientific understanding of the cosmos.
“Despite claims that evolutionary science rules out belief in a transcendent God, or that we must now adjust our view of God to accommodate change, these scholars insist that modern science and traditional theology are completely compatible,” Crysdale said. These issues and their implications will be the focus of a series of presentations at the conference.
Presenters at the event include Neil Ormerod, a professor of theology at Australian Catholic University, Sydney, who is co-author with Crysdale of the forthcoming “Creator God, Evolving World.”
John Haught, senior research fellow at Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, will give a lecture at 3:30 p.m., today, Sept. 21, on the theological issues arising from the advent of evolutionary theory after Charles Darwin. At 1:15 p.m., Saturday, he will join Rebecca A. Wright, Benedict Professor of Old Testament, at the School of Theology, to address the question: “God Talk: What Kind of Creator Do We Have?”
Sewanee biologist David Haskell and Domain manager Nate Wilson will discuss “Evolution: Is It All An Accident?”
Also speaking will be School of Theology professor Rob MacSwain and religion professor Tam Parker; Mollie Roberts, a student at the School of Theology, and Louisa T. Parsons, rector of St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Ooltewah.
For the complete schedule, go to
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